
Tiny is dropping me off on his way to town with you guys." Ok, Jimmy, but make it a priority to check on those sat phones I asked about. Let me know as soon as possible, will you?" I'll have your answer by tomorrow, Jon."He walked away, munching on his sandwich. I went to the kitchen to let Myrna know what was going on for the evening. When I walked in, all three of them were sitting at the counter drinking coffee. When Tiny looked up and saw me, he immediately snickered, drawing a dirty look from Myrna. She, of course, was the first to speak."My, but you look nice, Jon. Where did you get the new clothes? I have been going to get on you about your wardrobe, but forgot with all that's going on." You know, I forgot all about buying these. They were still in the suitcase in my closet. I bought them years ago when I was in Texas looking for Michelle in that compound. They have been in the closet all this time."Tiny was still snickering so I blasted him, "What is so funny, Tiny? You seem. Was the alcohol still in me? No, I had been sobered up for a few hours now. I couldn't let myself have another moment like that. I just couldn't. But there was more... "So, if I told you I was thinking about, I don't know, going all the way with a guy..." she said before I cut her off. "Absolutely not," I said. It's bad enough that I just had a small moment of admiration of my own daughter's naked body. I really did not want to talk with her about losing her virginity. "Daddy," she continued, "you didn't let me finish." Maybe it was my fault. Maybe my moment of weakness the night before was the symptom of a bigger problem. Maybe I was beginning to fail as a role model. That thought terrified me. "Look, what you saw last night was a mistake," I said. "I've tried to raise you with good morals and be a good role model for you." "You are a good role model, Daddy," she said. "You took me in when I was eight. You raised me. And you raised me with good values. But I'm almost 18 and I'm.
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