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” With that remark, Thomas grabbed me by my hips and turned me so that my exposed asshole was facing the group, my little balls and hard cock dangling beneath. I closed my eyes as everyone took their turns sliding their fingers into my tight butt hole. Even the girls joined in. A couple of them grabbed my cock as they did, and Michelle grabbed my balls and gave a good squeeze as she vigorously dove three fingers into my hole. I arched my back and spread my legs even further to give them all greater access. Michelle withdrew her fingers, as she reached down to grab Thomas’s massive dick and guide it towards my waiting boi-pussy. She let go of her tight grip on my balls, and rejoined the group on the other bunk. I looked back and saw that Michael and David has undressed Callie and were fingering her hairless pussy. Vick leaned back and began stroking his cock, while Michelle took both David and Michael’s cocks and began stroking them. My attention was forced back to my situation as. I knew what had happened from talk with the buddies and the porn mags and the erotic stories in then, the white stuff that came out when masturbating had been mentioned several times and of course the pictures and descriptions in the porn mags. I noticed also that my sperm had a pretty peculiar but quite pleasurable smell, like transpiration that had just come out from the skin and touch of fresh fruits like banana. Calmed down, pulled out a fair length of paper from the roll and cleaned up the wall and the floor, rinsed my cock in the washbasin, it was not totally limp, still fairly long, thick and half way erect, more like a soft water hose filled with water and the pleasurable feeling was still there and inviting for masturbating again….This is what happened when I had my first orgasm. And what an orgasm I had…. I tried to go back to the school homework, but could not concentrate on it, the itchy feeling in the cock was still there and I started to touch myself again and squeeze.
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